MSRA Clinical Flashcards (Sample Deck)

Try a free sample of our respiratory flashcards from the complete MSRA flashcard set. --------------------- The download contains an Anki Deck Package file (.apkg), which can be loaded directly into the free Anki software, with full instructions provided in the download. There is further documentation detailing the sources used to generate these flashcards, which is primarily from NICE, the resus council and the various royal colleges. The official Mac/PC and Android version of Anki is free. For iOS users, the official app isn't free (but IMO is well worth it for sneaking in some extra flashcards at work). There are, however, some free alternatives for iOS but I haven't tested these so can't recommend them. --------------------- Please note, these flashcards are not officially endorsed by the Multi-Specialty Recruitment Assessment or the recruitment teams. They are based entirely on my experience of the exam and the official sources listed in the attached document. Furthermore, these flashcards are based on the most up-to-date guidance from reputable UK sources at the time of writing this (June 2023), however, some flashcards might be outdated at the time of studying if new guidance has since come out. I will try to keep them as up-to-date as possible, but given this, I cannot be held accountable for any mistakes you encounter and any impact these might have on your exam results. If you do notice any mistakes, please get in touch and I'll do my best to update this as a matter of urgency. Finally, I don't recommend using these flashcards as the only resource in your revision. You should use this alongside other resources, including books, question banks and the official MSRA past papers. My advice would be to start your revision with these flashcards to improve your core, high-yield knowledge, before starting on the various question banks. Then, you can add extra flashcards to this deck whenever you learn something new. --------------------- Have fun! And as always, any issues just drop me an email: [email protected]

MSRA Clinical Flashcards (Sample Deck)
